출판 일 1983
Tron의 디스크는 1982 년 Disney 영화 Tron을 기반으로 한 두 번째 아케이드 게임입니다.
최초의 Tron 아케이드 게임에는 몇 가지 미니 게임 (Gridbugs, Light Cycles, MCP 콘 및 디지털 탱크 입력)이 있었지만 Tron의 Discs는 Kevin Flynn과 맞서야했던 원래 1982 년 영화의 Jai alai 시퀀스에서 영감을 받았습니다 Crom은 Crom이 Sark에 의해 "derezzed"되는 것을 유도합니다. 플론 (Flynn)이 MCP의 "전사 엘리트 (warrior elite)"와의 경쟁 (및 패배)을 목격함에 따라 트론 (Tron)도 나중에 소개됩니다.
영화에서 Flynn과 Crom은 다섯 개의 동심원으로 구성된 플랫폼 위에 서 있습니다. 팔 동심원에서 던져진 에너지 펠릿이 두 플랫폼 사이의 목표물에 닿으면 사라집니다. Tron의 디스크는 여러 플랫폼을 사용하며, 플레이어는 디스크를 던져서 (한 번에 최대 3 개까지 플레이어에게 돌아가는) 사크를 때려야합니다. 결국 플랫폼을 벗어나게하거나 플랫폼 밖으로 밀어냅니다. 플레이어는 디스크와 함께 디플렉터를 사용할 수 있지만 Sark는 디스크로만 파괴 할 수있는 체이서와 수퍼 체이서의 두 가지 무기가 더 있습니다.
게임이 진행됨에 따라 플레이어는 서로 다른 형태의 플랫폼 링을 사용하여 점프하고 서 있습니다. 비디오 게임은 회전하는 노브를 사용하여 마우스와 같은 커서를 경기장 주변으로 움직여서 디스크가 벽에서 벗어나는 곳을 판단 할 수있게하고 나중에 레벨에 따라 노브를 당겨 올리거나 내릴 수 있습니다 플랫폼의 높이.
1 Player Start 1 2 Players Start 2 Coin 1 5 Coin 2 6 Service 1 9 Tilt T P1 Up UP P1 Down DOWN P1 Left LEFT P1 Right RIGHT P1 Button 1 LCONTROL or Mouse B1 P1 Button 2 LALT or Mouse B3 Aim Down SPACE or Mouse B2 Aim Up LSHIFT Dial Analog Mouse X Dial Analog Dec LEFT Dial Analog Inc RIGHT Track Y Analog Mouse Y Track Y Analog Dec UP Track Y Analog Inc DOWN
Publication date 1983
Discs of Tron is the second arcade game based on 1982 Disney film Tron.
While the first Tron arcade game had several mini-games (Gridbugs, Light Cycles, entering the MCP cone and Digital tanks), Discs of Tron is inspired by the Jai alai sequence in the original 1982 film in which Kevin Flynn is forced to play against Crom, leading to Crom being "derezzed" by Sark. Tron is also introduced later, as Flynn witnesses him competing against (and defeating) four of the MCP's "warrior elite".
In the movie, Flynn and Crom stand on top of a platform made of five concentric circles that disappear if an energy pellet, thrown from an arm extension, touches a target between both platforms. Discs of Tron uses several platforms, and the player must beat Sark by throwing discs at him (a maximum of three at a time, which would return to the player) and eventually derezz him or push him outside the platforms. While the player, along with the discs, can use a deflector, Sark has two more weapons: a chaser and a super chaser, that can only be destroyed with the discs.
As the game progresses, the player is given different configurations of platform rings to jump and stand on. The video game also uses a spinning knob that is used to move a mouse-like cursor around the playing field so you can judge where the discs will deflect off the walls and on later levels the knob can be pulled up or pushed down depending on the height of the platforms.
While the first Tron arcade game had several mini-games (Gridbugs, Light Cycles, entering the MCP cone and Digital tanks), Discs of Tron is inspired by the Jai alai sequence in the original 1982 film in which Kevin Flynn is forced to play against Crom, leading to Crom being "derezzed" by Sark. Tron is also introduced later, as Flynn witnesses him competing against (and defeating) four of the MCP's "warrior elite".
In the movie, Flynn and Crom stand on top of a platform made of five concentric circles that disappear if an energy pellet, thrown from an arm extension, touches a target between both platforms. Discs of Tron uses several platforms, and the player must beat Sark by throwing discs at him (a maximum of three at a time, which would return to the player) and eventually derezz him or push him outside the platforms. While the player, along with the discs, can use a deflector, Sark has two more weapons: a chaser and a super chaser, that can only be destroyed with the discs.
As the game progresses, the player is given different configurations of platform rings to jump and stand on. The video game also uses a spinning knob that is used to move a mouse-like cursor around the playing field so you can judge where the discs will deflect off the walls and on later levels the knob can be pulled up or pushed down depending on the height of the platforms.
最初のTronアーケードゲームにはいくつかのミニゲーム(Gridbugs、Light Cycles、MCPコーンとデジタルタンクに入る)がありましたが、TronのDiscsはKevin Flynnと対戦する元の1982年の映画のJai alaiシーケンスに触発されていますCromはSarkによって "derezzed"されています。 FlynnがMCPの "戦士エリート"の4人を相手に戦っているのを目の当たりにして(そして倒して)、Tronも後で紹介されます。
映画では、FlynnとCromが、アーム延長部から投げ出されたエネルギーペレットが両方のプラットフォーム間のターゲットに触れると消える5つの同心円からなるプラットフォームの上に立つ。 Tronのディスクはいくつかのプラットフォームを使用しており、プレイヤーはディスクを彼に投げて(一度に3人まで、プレイヤーに戻ってしまう)、サークを打ち負かす必要があります。プレイヤーはディスクとともにデフレクターを使うことができますが、サークにはさらに2つの武器があります:チェイサーとスーパー・チェイサーです。ディスクでのみ破壊することができます。
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