Let's take a closer look at the Falcon 9 rocket.

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Goodbye gay 
I saw many folks at Falcon 9 and they misunderstand that they played the role of the station or they worried about safety and they want to give more details.
It's the first time I write this information.

The order is
1. Space x and Falcon 9 
2. Landing process
3. I'm going to talk about the future of space x. 

The Falcon 9 rocket is a large rocket developed by Elon Musk's private space company SpaceX 

SpaceX is a company founded by Elon Musk in 2002. It is a company that aims to reduce the cost of launching rockets and to colonize Mars.

In order to reduce the cost of launching rockets, Elon Musk has claimed that rocket recycling is essential and is currently the leader in rocket landing. 

At present, it is growing at a very rapid pace, as many contracts have been signed with NASA and many people are investing. 

SpaceX did not use landing rockets from scratch. 
In 2008, Falcon 1 (leftmost) rocket was developed to reach orbit. 
Since then, the development of recyclable rockets has progressed, and on December 22, 2015, the world's first rocket was sent to space and landed. 

We are currently using Falcon 9 Block 5 (the second from the right), the last stage of the upgrade, and we succeeded in launching the Falcon Heavy last year (right most)

If you compare the size of Falcon 1 with the current Falcon 9, I think the development of SpaceX is great.

팰컨 헤비가 (69m, SpaceX 에도 메갈이 숨어있었노 ㅠ)  얼마나 큰 로켓인지 감이 안잡히는 게이들을 위해 설명하자면 뉴욕의 자유의 여신상보다 크고 영국의 빅 밴 보다조금 더 작아 
저 큰걸 우주에다가 쏘아올리고 다시 지구에 착륙시키는걸 보면 정말 대단하다고 생각해 ㅎㅎ

2. 착륙과정 

팰컨 9 로켓과 SpaceX 가 이렇게 유명하게 된 이유는 아마 팰컨 9 로켓의 1단이 착륙을 할 수 있기 때문이라고 생각해 

이 짤들을 보면 배에 착륙하거나 육지에 착륙하는것을 볼 수 있는데 이는 화물의 무게에 따라 결정된다고 해 
만약 우주로 보내는 화물이 비교적 가벼우면 남아있는 연료가 많기 때문에 로켓이 스스로 방향을 돌려 발사장 옆 착륙장으로 돌아와 착륙을 해 
만약 화물이 무거우면 연료를 아끼기 위해 자연스러운 비행 궤적을 따라 바다 위에있는 바지선에 착륙해 ㅎㅎ
만약 정말 무거운 화물을 우주로 보내거나 화물을 높은 고도에 보내야 할 때는 착륙을 포기하고 1 단을 우주에 버리는 경우도 존재해 

이 짤을 보면 육지 착륙이 연료 소모가 더 많다는걸 이해 할 수 있을거야
착륙 과정을 보자면 발사장을 떠난 로켓이 약 80km 상공에 도달하면 2단과 분리하고 방향을 전환해 
그리고 대기권에 진입하기전에 역추진 로켓을 가동해서 속도를 줄이고 땅에 착륙하기전에 마지막 15초 정도 역추진 로켓을 다시 가동시켜서 속도를 줄여 안전하게 착륙해 

이런 복잡한 착륙 과정을 도와주는 장비는 크게 3가지가 있어

1. 핀
이 티타늄 핀은 팰켄 9 로켓 1단의 상단부에 장착되어있어. 1단 분리 후 접혀저있던 이 핀이 펼쳐지고 이 핀이 좌우로 기울면서 로켓의 방향을 조절해
나도 처음에는 이 구멍 뚫려있는 핀들이 방향전환에 효과가 있을까 의심 했는데 전문가들은 이 핀이 성층권에서는 상당히 효과적이라고 해 

2.  엔진 

이건 팰컨 9 의 엔진이야. 큰 한개의 엔진을 사용하는 대신 작은 9개의 엔진을 묶어서 사용해.
이 방식이 착륙하는데 굉장히 효율적인게 각 엔진의 추력을 조절해서 방향전환이 쉽고 속도 조절을 하는데 꼭 필요한 시스템이야
저 엔진이 작아보여도 엄청난 추력을 만들어내기때문에 대기권 진입전에는 총 3개의 엔진만을 사용해 속도를 줄이고, 착륙 전 감속에는 딱 1개의 엔진의 최소 추력만을사용해서 10초만에 시속 320km 에서 0km 로 감속해 
이 엔진 1개의 추력이 너무 강해서 만약 너무 이른시간에 감속을 시작하면 로켓이 다시 하늘로 올라간다고 해 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. 압축 가스

이 로켓 상단을 자세히 보면 흰색 연기가 나오는게 보일꺼야
이건 압축된 공기를 사용해서 방향을 조절하는거야. 우주에서는 로켓을 반대방향으로 뒤집는데 사용하고 착륙 직전에는 로켓이 수직으로 착륙하도록 자세를 유지시켜줘 

작년에 발사한 팰컨 헤비의 경우에는 총 3개의 팰컨 9 로켓을 묶어서 발사했어. 총 27개의 엔진이 사용된거지.

그리고 2개의 로켓이 동시에 착륙하는 장관을 연출하기도했어 ㅎㅎ (착륙한 건 사이드 부스터들이고 가운데 있던 부스터는 연료 부족으로 바다위에  떠 있던 착륙선에운지하고 폭발했다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ)

내가 설명하는것보다 발사부터 착륙까지 영상으로 한번 보는게 더 이해가 쉽게될거야 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
동영상 삽입하는 방법 몰라서 그냥 링크로만 남긴다 이해해줘라 ㅠ

https://youtu.be/Wq8kS6UoOrQ?t=1186     - 발사부터 착륙까지 나온다 꼭 봐라 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbSwFU6tY1c   - Requirements is a Falcon Heavy launch video. Gay people who speak English well from the beginning and those who want to see foot-loving landing can start from 22 minutes. The scene where two booster landing at the same time is the best.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvim4rsNHkQ - This is a nice spaceX adults have gathered a video of the failure of landing in this place It is also fun, so look at the time ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ

3. SpaceX's Future 

I am cruising now, but at first I was a company with many twists and turns. The first Falcon 9 rocket to explode for three consecutive times, and in 2015, the rocket exploded from the launch pad, and was a very accident-prone company. If I had to land a rocket, I would have crushed a rocket into the ground, exploded the sea, and exploded a lot of rockets. But in 2017 and 2018, we fired a total of 39 Falcon 9 rockets and successfully completed 39 missions. It's crazy to fire 39 times in two years, but it's more of a 100% success rate.
Haha ㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ.

This graph shows that Spacex has more than 60% of the global commercial rocket market in 2018 
A successful launch of the recently launched manned spacecraft, Crew Dragon, also signed an agreement to send American astronauts to NASA and the space station.
So far, the United States has used its Russian Soyuz rocket to send its astronauts to the space station after the space shuttle retired, which cost a lot.
SpaceX has to pay about 100 billion won for each astronaut, SpaceX can save cost because of the success of manned spacecraft, and it can bring up domestic companies too.
Americans are now more likely than NASA to expect SpaceX. 
Anyway, if you shoot so many shots and record a high success rate, you can see that the reliability of rockets is already considerable.
But the real goal of SpaceX is not to send people to space stations or launch satellites. 
Now, with these accumulated technologies, we are developing a larger rocket and sending people to Mars. You can see how big the new rockets are now compared to the Falcon 9 rocket. Of course, those big rockets will land again and recycle.
Because Falcon Heavy has a very obscure size and transport capability, it is trying to discard the old rocket and develop new rockets from size to size.

If the original rocket is one-time, then SpaceX's rocket feels like a plane to Earth and Mars. SpaceX is spurring development with the aim of ending maintenance and re-launching within 24 hours of launching the rocket. If SpaceX succeeds in the Mars Carrier, I think space travel will be coming soon. Recently, a Japanese person visited the back of the moon and bought a travel package from SpaceX.

If there is one thing, it means that there are a lot of competitors now.
Jeff Bezos, who owns the Amazon, has created a private space company called Blue Origin. And recently, like the SpaceX rocket, it succeeded in sending and landing the 1st stage rocket into space. Of course, the size is much smaller than the SpaceX's Pelcon 9, but recently it has threatened SpaceX's status by contracting with NASA. In recent years, other companies have joined the space race, and competition seems to be getting more intense. In the United States, private companies send cargo to space and land a one - stage rocket. My country has been in trouble for 10 years with my book.

Anyway, I think SpaceX and other private companies that lead the era of space exploitation are really great. 
I think I wrote it because it's the first information I wrote about it. ㅋ If I like the response, I will deal with the other projects that SpaceX is pursuing and the incidents that have happened in the meantime.
If you've enjoyed it for two hours, give me some sunshine!

3 lines Summary:

1. SpaceX rocket landing possible - cost savings
2. The United States plans private companies to send cargo to space and people to Mars
3. Purchase the Naro Lake

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