Do you know what happened to the coup in Sudan?

One day
On April 11, 2019, a coup occurred in Sudan.
That ruling dictator for 30 years until 2019 Omar al-Bashir has been put to the pension
General Ahmed Ahmad Ahmed Ivan Ahmad, the defense minister and vice president, announced his success in the coup.
Ibn Auf, who founded the Military Relocation Military Committee with the success of the coup, announced emergency measures such as shutting down airports and government offices, banning provisional coverage, and curfew.

But only a day later, Ibn Auf announced that he would step down from the chairman of the transfer committee.
General Abdel Rahman was inaugurated as Ibn Auf's successor .
On April 11th, he took the supreme power and on the 12th he literally put it on for one day.

Omar al-Bashir

Ibn Auf

Abdel Rahman

Do you know Sudan?
Do not cry the gays. You've heard of a country called Tonsuzul Sudan?
Strictly speaking, the area where Lee Tae-seok was active was South Sudan, which was at the time before South Sudan was independent.

It is a country under Egypt.

The capital of Sudan is Khartoum. The capital of South Sudan, which became independent in 2011, is Juba.
For now, only the means are explained here.

Unlike Egypt, Sudan is an impoverished Islamic nation.
The official language is Arabic.
Although the Nile flows, the only fertile one is downstream (Egypt), and the upper reaches of Sudan are not very fertile.
Until the oil was developed, the Sudanese were mainly nomads.

It is a region where the bone marrow Ala Chun Toh-fu reigns, and it was a place where the resistance against the foreign affairs was extreme
It is one of the areas where the British have been defeated by the Aboriginal people.
(Photo by General Herbert Stewart, who was killed in Sudan)

The devastation in Sudan had a great impact on British society.
The film Four Feathers, starring the Heath Ledger before the big hit with the Joker, was also based on the impact of the British defeat in Sudan.
(The movie itself is not much fun)

Britain barely built a colony in Sudan, but was often subjected to rebellion by Allah.
The ineffective command system of the British army, 'Do not be swayed because I have been ordered from above', has often been put to the test in Sudan.
Winston Churchill used to work in Sudan during his youth as a young officer, and he criticized the British for his book The River War.
Even though Churchill was not a politician, he wanted to be a general, but criticized the military (until he gave up his general promotion).
However, it is ironic that after Churchill became a politician, he led the Gallipoli landing operation of the Turkic empire, a synonym for unreasonable operations.

Britain was very alert to the Sulaimans of Sudan.
Sudan is divided into the northern part believing in Islam and the southern part believing in Christianity. Therefore, the ruling of the United Kingdom was a special division. The Sudanese north, with its Arabic speaking and Arabic majority, ruled like Egypt, Uganda, and Kenya, with many English-speaking and black people in the south.
And thoroughly excluded the Sulaimans of Sudan.

Primary means civil war
Then, in 1945, when World War II ended, the British could not afford to maintain the Sudan colony.
As an opportunity to gain independence, the Sulaimans of Sudan negotiated an independent treaty with the United Kingdom, aiming to recover the territory of the former Sudan.
On the other hand, the Christians in southern Sudan have strongly resisted. Culturally, there was no sense of homogeneity with the North.
When twins were born, both were born in Jeolla-do, one in Gwangju and the other in the US.
And now a person living in Gwangju goes to an adopted American couple asking, "Brother must live together and send my brother back home."

However, Britain, which had covered a lot of shit in all parts of Africa, also covered huge shit this time.
They responded to the demands of Allah's chariots.
However, the Alaacites thoroughly excluded South Koreans from the government.
Gwangju's younger brother was adopted to America by his brother, "Oh, I'm Naginaga, so I decided to go out of the rules of the house is not the reason of Ein Rin?" This is the way it is.
The black people in the southern South rebelled against the ironclad rule of the Allachs and caused the 1955 Independence War.
This is the primary means of civil war.
But the Islamic government of Khartoum ignored the rebellion and declared independence in 1956.

The South Sudanese fought armed struggles with the support of Kenya and Uganda
The Sudanese civil war was a hot-legged army, and the civil war dragged on for thirteen years.
Neither is there any suppression of the mob.

But how much Sudan had been,
In the midst of the civil war, there was a power struggle and a coup occurred.
In the course of suppressing the rebellion of South Sudan, Sudan raised a coup d'état to show that the military,

그리고 1969년에 가파르 니메이리라는 인물이 알라충들을 몰아내고 권력을 잡았다.
그는 리비아의 카다피를 숭배하는 인물이었다.
해외 진출에 더 관심이 많았던 니메이리는 내전을 끝맺기 위해 남수단의 반군과 협상을 했다.

가라프 니메이리

생지옥 2차 수단 내전
결국 이디오피아가 중재를 해서 수단 정부와 반군은 협상을 시작했다.
그리고 남부에 자치구를 설치하는 걸로 합의를 보고 내전은 막을 내렸다.
그런데 이렇게 협상을 맺고 나니까 수단 내부의 알라충들이 난리가 났다.
이교도들과 협상을 하고 지하드를 포기했다고 니메이리의 인기는 운지했다.

거기에 이스라엘 상대로 군대를 일으켰던 니메이리는 전쟁에서도 패배하여 막다른 골목에 몰렸다.
결국 알라충들은 니메이리를 몰아내고 다시 권력을 잡았다.
사디크 알 마디라는 종교지도자 겸 정치인이 수단의 지도자가 되었다.
('마디'는 이슬람교의 구세주라는 의미라고 한다.)

알 마디는 샤리아법을 헌법으로 만들겠다고 선언했다.
자치를 인정받고 있던 남부는 샤리아법의 적용에서 제외되었지만 남부의 기독교인들은 불안에 시달렸다.
결국 "씨발 역시 독립해야돼"하고 새로운 반군 조직이 결성되었다.
수단인민해방군(Sudan People's Liberation Army)이 바로 그것이다.
중국인민해방군과 이름이 비슷한데 아프리카 진출을 노리던 중국의 지원을 많이 받았기 때문이다. (결코 모택동주의는 아님)

그런데 권력을 잡기 위해서라면 수단을 가리지 않는 나라 수단답게
알 마디는 오마르 알 바시르 장군의 쿠데타에 의해 축출되었다.

박원순 + 이해찬 = 오마르 알 바시르

Bashir is like the southern provinces! And declared that it would apply the Sharia law to the south as well.
Bashir suddenly turned to a hard line, of course, because the younger soul was seeking the underground resources of southern Sudan, though there are some of them.
Oil fields were found in southern Sudan.
It is like asking a lot of brother who came from Gwangju from Jeollanam-do to the money-rich brother who came from the United States to hand over the account of the family "The family's property is the most, I did not manage?"
However, the fact that I did not want to share the enormous wealth with the Allah Chums was the same with Nam Sul,
This is a secondary means civil war .
The secondary means civil war continued for 22 years. (1983 ~ 2005)

Bassir, who thought he could not defeat South Sudan with only his regular army, mobilized Islamic militia and used a scourge operation to defeat the South Sudanese resistance.
This Islamic militia, committed to slaughter and rape civilians, is called the Janjaweed (demon above the tongue).

Think of the birds of this sort who are all trying to cut your neck.

The war crime, using the 1st Weed, made the Sufi civil war into a living hell of life.
The gays also heard about the Darfur massacre that they had heard about in the past .

Darfur is also famous
Ube Ball (!!!) also made a movie called Darfur.
Starring Billy Jane (Titanic), Christina Roken (Terminator 3)

13 years in the first civil war, 22 years in the second civil war ... Sudan is not an exaggeration to say that it had survived the 20th century only by civil war.
After 35 years of civil war, Sudan became so famous that the United States recognized the refugee status of Christians in South Sudan.
Unlike other Muslim refugees, Sudanese refugees have adapted well to American society, which means that American conservatives must recognize refugee status only from Christian societies that are similar to American societies and cultures.

Bashir finally entered into a ceasefire with South Sudan in 2005 after pressure from the international community.
And South Sudan was independent.

This is the Sudanese flag (using the red, white, and black tricolor to represent the Islamic color of green and Arab nationalism)

And this is the South Sudan flag

Dictatorship of Omar al-Bashir (2005-2019)

In the international community, there has been a movement to prosecute Bashir, who committed various war crimes including the Darfur massacre, as war criminals.
But Bashir said, "Sudan does not recognize the International Criminal Court as an international organization and therefore does not follow the decision of the International Criminal Tribunal."
In the end, Sudan was bullied in the international community, but Bashir found sponsors who would politically protect him or her on the Islamic coin.

Once the eternal big brother of these dictatorships, China

It should look good also to Egypt, which regards Sudan as his brother country.

And if you're on an Islamic coin, you can not afford Saudi.

The wave of anti-government demonstrations known as Arab Spring came to Sudan.
Bashir, a self-proclaimed Sunni alive, flew to Syria and met with Al Assad, who believes in Allawi.
Did George get the know-how from opposition to the dictator al-Assad who survived the Arab Spring?
The contact with Syria means that SOS was hit by Russia.

Do you know?

However, Bashir 's actions, which attract foreign powers like this, have been rebellious in Sudan.
Muslims in exclusive Sudan for foreigners were so fussed with the British, "Why do you get russians, even if you get angry?"
Moreover, the persistent economic difficulties severely reduced the popularity of Bashir.
The collapse of commodity prices in the 2010s was a huge blow to all dictatorial countries that sold resources, and the means were no exception.
With the economic downturn and deep rooted corruption of the Bashir government, the Sudanese people 's complaints were on the rise and counter protests often took place.

Bashir sold African kukpo, which was once used by Gaddafi, to appease the angered crowd.
Bashir proposed "a space development project by Africans like NASA in the United States" and actually founded the Space Development Institute in Sudan.
(Photo shows Bashir at the time of announcing the space development project.

Bashir eviction
The future of Bashir, which continued to maintain its power by oppressing the opposition by the army, was clouded by the fall of King Abdullah in Saudi Arabia and the appointment of King Salman.
King Salman was already in his 80s and the real power was held by his son, Prince Bin Salman.
Bashir said he would join the civil war in Yemen. But Binh Salman did not meet him. Although King Salman had come out to meet him, he could not meet any of the working meetings because he did not meet with the bereaved.

Bashir tried to make it clear to the new president Trump of the United States. Trump, however, refused to meet with Bashir.

The Sudanese insisted more strongly that Bashir was abandoned by Saudi and the United States.
Bashir, who had been in a crisis, replaced Defense Minister Lt. Gen. Ibn Awes with General Secretary, saying the suppression was not enough.
But Ibn Auf, rather than suppressing the Bashir was driven away.

Ibn Auf, however, announced that he would not hand over Bashir to the International Criminal Court.
The crowd who was pleased with the defeat of Bashir began to demand the resignation of Ibn Auf after the announcement.
So, after 24 hours of success in the coup, he succeeded his successor and Ibn Auf also resigned.

It has not been known yet whether it will find stability in the means that have been stained by civil war and dictatorship for so long.
But at least the Sudanese have driven the dictator. 
Bashir, like a door catastrophe, was an "economic dictator" who would be better than Bashir in the future.

It's Sunbe Man. Janjaweed is banned because 1st place is prohibited.
Is this the Chosun Dynasty or the Taliban era? No, why should the 1st place be prohibited. Allow it.

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