Learn about the maximum power of the Russian Air Force (Tu-22M 'Backfire')

Hi? Gay, this is one of the greatest powers of the Russian Air Force.

(Tu-22 Backfire).

The fact that the US Air Force is currently the world's strongest
It is a fact that no one in the present world can deny.

Nowhere in the world is the power of the US Air Force
It's powerful enough to do nothing.

In the United States, especially Lockheed Martin, Boeing,
There are munitions makers that produce huge models.

Because of these military companies,
I think I can make more light.

However, a strong US Air Force against the Air Force
The Russian Air Force is the only one in the world.

From the time of the former Soviet Union
I have always developed the Air Force with the United States.

However, the Russian Air Force has
Like the US Air Force, it does not have such a powerful force.

However, the Russian Air Force is not able to ignore anyone in the world
I have a strong power.

When the Cold War is going to get stronger
The Soviets needed bomber forces to counter the US Air Force.

I have come across a number of pilot works
'Tu-22 Backfire' supersonic bomber.


B-1, B-2, and B-52 are the three major US bombers.
There is a Tu-22M fighter in Russia.
There are a lot of comparison with three models

As long as it's clear, B-1 or B-2 
It's true that they are showing some improvement in basic gas performance.

But the Tu-22M is also quite powerful in comparative terms

Adopting a variable speed maneuver from 20 degrees up to 65 degrees
I had superior flying skills.


We also installed an air refueling probe at the front of the nose
A gas that can carry out long-range bombing missions through air refueling.

(Back fire bombing Syrian IS occupation territory)

The maximum speed is close to Mach 2

The amount of the explosion is more than 24 tons.
It's a weird bomber that can blow up the size of a big city. 

The basic weapon is

GSH-23 25mm cannon

[Supersonic missile]
Kh-15 (6 feet)
300px-Raduga_Kh-22, _side_view.JPG
Kh-22 (3 rounds)
Kh-31 (8)
Kh-32 (2)
Kh-35 (8)
Kh-55/65 (8 rounds)

Download (3) .jpeg
FAB-100 250ld dumb bomb (69 feet)
FAB-250 500ld dumb bomb (69 feet)
Download (4) .jpeg
FAB-1,500 3,000ld dumb bomb (8 pieces)
FAB-3,000 6,000ld dumb bomb (3 pieces)
500kg naval mines (42 feet)
1,500kg naval mines (8 feet)

Download (5) .jpeg
If you say the greatest advantage of backfire warships
It is possible to install 'Kh-47 Kinzal', 'kh-22' and '32'

Let's first explain 'Kh-22' and '32'.

'kh-22' weighs in at a range of 600km and weighs 5820kg
The warhead is a large supersonic anti-ship missile with a ton of weight.
The maximum speed is Mach 5 and a 1000-ton nuclear warhead is also available.

From the Cold War to the US
It's the biggest threat.


'Kh-32' is also a follow-up to '22'
It's showing a bitter performance.

At maximum speed Mach 5.5 
The intersection is 400km tall and 1000km

Equip nuclear warheads equally

During the 1970s, dozens of Soviet backfires
Prepared to be shot down and approaching the aircraft carrier, kh-22
Pouring like a pole can not defend itself
The carrier was sinking.

In the 1980s, Tomcat, the association of Phoenix and Aegis,
It's possible to defend.

It is a power that is still a threat to my life.

The last one I mentioned before is 'kh-47 khzal'.
This is a hypersonic missile recently developed by the Russians.

The basic armed window does not have a mount, but it can be mounted.
He's the one who goes into seven new weapons.

It is possible to mount one foot

It's possible to install nuclear weapons.

Crossroads 3000 km

At maximum speed Mach 10
It's a huge threat to the current US carrier flyer.
Maybe I can not stop it if I only get in the intersection.

It may be because of this, but the missile treaty was broken.
I remember what I said.

In recent years,
I plan to modernize the aging backfire bomber.
I prepared it ambitiously.

It's ongoing now.

Due to the drop in oil prices and economic sanctions
It's not so easy.

Download (6) .jpeg
The Russian Air Force is currently operating 68 backfires.

In the past, when the Soviet Union had operated for about 500 units 
Much difference nano ㅜ

But he's still the biggest power of the Russian Air Force.
I have been positioning myself

Recently frequented around Europe or East Asian airspace
I do not know why, but it always gets an emergency.

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I've been preparing it so far.
I do not know if you've seen the information in a simple way.

Next time I will write about the B-1 Lancer.


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