Araboja Why Oil Prices Are Slower


I want to check the oil before the oil comes down. Now, why is the price of oil soaring again? 

1. 111 is good for catching the senses.  

2. The world uses about 100 million barrels of oil a day. The use of 1% per year increases, but the supply of 1 million barrels of oil should be supplied every year. 

3. Petroleum consumption is forecast to increase by 1% annually, steadily increasing or decreasing. 

4. The problem is supply. 

5. Petroleum is the main supplier to OPEC with 40% of Saudi operations, Russia 10%, US 20, China 13, and India 5. 

6. China and India are busy in their own countries, and the United States also bans oil exports by 2015, and the oil supply was led by OPEC + (OPEC Plus), which joined Russia in OPEC. 

7. The world oil supply is OPEC, which is dominated by Saudi Arabia, which has the largest production volume.

8. If Saudi Arabia increases its production, the supply of oil is lowered, and if the production is reduced, the price of oil increases and the Saudi oil prices are maintained at a reasonable price. 

9. Here is the emergence of a new supplier, the United States. 

10. The United States desires a lower oil price than Saudi Arabia thinks it is.  

11. Saudi Arabia wants to keep its high oil prices somehow because most of its income comes from oil. But it is better to lower the cost of oil by lowering the price of oil rather than selling it more expensive, being. Trump says he wants low oil prices. 

12. The problem in the US is that oil production is high, but there is still less export infrastructure to control oil prices. 

13 By 2015, the United States has blocked the export of energy, including oil, by law. Although this restriction was lifted in 2015, oil exports require pipeline construction from oilfields to the harbors, and oil refineries and export ports are still needed and still require more time. 

14. The United States shakes Saudi's neck for that price. Saudi Arabia, especially Saudi King Jung Eun MBS (Mohammad bin Salman) was hit by the assassination. 

15. Saudi Arabia usually produces 10.6 million barrels and adjusts prices. In November of last year, it raised production to 11.3 million barrels. 

16. This year, the Wakassu case seems to be buried, reducing Saudi production to 10.2 million barrels. 

17. There is Iran for other reasons. In November last year, US regulated oil trading in the US, and eight countries, including South Korea, exempted them to export to six-month deadlines. 

18. It is correct to say that when Iranian oil is not available in the market, it is worried that the price of oil will rise rather than Korea. This is the end of the six - month suspension in May of this year, but it is highly likely that he will not extend it. The supply will be further reduced.  

19. Oil varies in composition depending on where it comes out. Animals and plants die for a long time When the liquid rotates for a long time, it is made of oil and gas, and it is made of natural gas. 

20. The oil from America is clear oil with little sulfur. It is called low sulfur cholesterol. Sulfur content is less than 0.5%, and refining produces more than 50% of gasoline. 

21. The east side oil is heavy oil. Sulfur is more and oil is 15% less. In particular, the oil from Venezuela is superheated oil, which is the end king of heavy oil. 

22. Venezuelan oil is a sticky oil that comes in bunker C oil or asphalt material, which is very expensive in sulfur content, refined and cheapest than gasoline. To make this useful, it is necessary to reduce the sulfur content by desulfurization and to import water, which is a clear oil from the United States. It means more money. 

23. You have to look at these differences. The oil that will be supplied to the world will increase in the amount of US oil with high gasoline content. Even if they produce the same 100 million barrels, if the weight of the US is increased, the gasoline will remain and the supply of other oil such as diesel will decrease. 

24. Here's another bomb next year. IMO regulation 

25. In fact, ships operating in the sea have been somewhat looser in terms of environmental regulations since they are located in places where there are no people. 

26. Bunker C oil is a lot of fuel for boats, but it is polluted because it has bad oil quality. Here, regulations go into next year. 

27. International Maritime Organization If IMO regulations begin next year, ships should use oil lowered to 0.5 or lower when using sulfur oil of 3.5 or lower. 

28. To use Bunker C oil as it is, it is necessary to use a desulfurization device called a scraper, which costs about 70-100 billion won per unit. 

29. So maybe Bunker C oil should be mixed with diesel oil to water sulfur or try to use expensive but less sulfur oil or LNG. It means that you have to use 40% more oil than bunker C oil. 

30. The supply of gasoline is increasing. The increase in demand is due to the introduction of low-sulfur incentives, which will start investing in a lot of oil tankers and lining up the low-sulfur oil field for a year or so. I can see the price rise next year. 

31. Venezuela, the main focus of Bunker C oil, will be even better.

One line summary. The price of oil does not come up at once, but the time comes when gasoline goes down and only diesel comes. Venezuela is more 

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