For those who still support Maduro ARABOZA

Of course, no matter how vicious the dictatorship is, there are supporters.
It is no exception to Venezuela.

In Venezuela, demonstrations are routine,
If the uniform is red, it is a pro-government protest.

The opponents of Maduro are not uniform, but they wear the Venezuelan flag.
Just as South Korean rightists see Moon Jae-in as a frontrunner of China and North Korea, and Mandu is a Cuban leader in Venezuela, as he uses Taegeukgi as their identity.
(But Maduro does not have a national flag and a new flag like Moon Jae-in, so Maduro supporters wear red clothes and Venezuelan flag also shakes)

There are three main categories of people who support Maduro.
1. Those who can not forget the grace of honey in Chavez's days
2. People who have to hold the regime because they have privileges under Maduro
3, I was hired by the Maduro regime, and now it is the best living poverty

1. The people of Honey in Chavez
In terms of Venezuela, young people almost turned their backs to Maduro. It is due to extreme unemployment and economic hardship.
But there are still middle-aged people who still have nostalgia for Chavez and they fight for Maduro.
Since the Maduro regime has entrusted them to the ruling Party PSUV (Integrated Socialist Party) collectively for the purpose of submitting them, they are members of the integrated socialist party.
Why it is important to join the party is because the Maduro regime distributes food preferentially to its members.

Chavez's welfare policy was great,
Dental treatment as well as general checkups were almost free.
물론 나라의 미래를 갈아넣어 그런 서비스를 5년 정도 제공한 것에 불과했지만.
차베스 시절에 복지정책을 제대로 즐겼던 이들은 차베스의 후계자 마두로에 애착을 갖고 있다.

이들에게서 공통적으로 관찰되는 것은,
미국에 대한 증오 및 자본주의에 대한 공포이다.
2002년 미국이 차베스 반대 시위를 후원했다는 사실도 알고 있고 당시 차베스를 위해 친미 시위대에 맞서싸웠던 사람들이기도 하다.
또한 이들은 사회주의에서 자본주의로 회귀하고 시장 경제가 다시 자리잡으면 자기들이 도태될 것을 두려워한다.

2. 마두로 밑에서 특권을 가졌기 때문에 정권을 지켜야 하는 사람들
김대중, 노무현, 문재인이 같은 좌파이기는 해도 실세들은 달라진 것처럼,
차베스에서 마두로로 바뀔 때에도 상당히 물갈이가 이루어졌다.
차베스는 어느 정도 자본가 계급도 받아들여 자기의 권력을 유지했지만
마두로는 노조위원장 출신으로 훨씬 과격하다.
장성택 같은 자본가들의 도움을 받아 권력을 유지하려고 한 김정일과 자본가들을 숙청한 김정은의 차이라고 보면 될 거다.

차베스는 그래도 미국에 대한 창구는 갖고 있었으나 마두로는 이마저도 없애버렸다.
마두로 생각에, 양키들은 쿠데타를 후원할 것이고 미국과 아무 연관도 없는 자기를 제거할 놈들은 전임자 밑에서 양키들과 알고 지내던 놈들이겠지?
(멕시코에서 미국인을 얕잡아 부를 땐 그링고라는 말을 쓰는데 베네수엘라는 특이하게 양키라고 함)

그리고 마두로 정권에서는 타렉 엘 아이사미(부통령) 같은 친 쿠바, 친 중국 세력이 권력을 장악하게 되었다.

차베스 시절에 꿀단지에서 밀려나 있던 세력이 마두로 때 비로소 꿀단지에 주둥이를 박았다.
이 새끼들은 마두로가 없으면 완전히 도태된다는 것을 알고 있다.
그러니까 필사적으로 마두로를 지키려고 한다.
If you hit South Korea, you are a squirrel, a civic group, an environmentalist. Humans who can not be absolutely beautiful without Moon Jaein.

Latin America, like Venezuela, still relies on large families.
It is a country where there is nothing strange since the skin color is completely different, "Yes, it is my cousin".
If there is a "power" in the family who has lost power, it is natural to have one seat for each of his relatives.
Also, I think that it is the book that you have seen when you are not in the same family or relatives because you do not trust well because you are basically distrustful of society and bring your relatives back to the throne. This is why corruption is more persistent than countries with low marriages and low fertility rates.
The reason why the Maduro regime is still maintained is because a huge civil society society is playing a role of a shield.
The lady who interviews with expensive trinkets is also a public servant.


Under Maduro, civil servants do not suffer much from economic difficulties.
No, he enjoys greater wealth than before.
Because the government has forcibly pressed the price, the black market has developed.
Venezuelan officials can make more money than salaries by embezzling goods and selling them to the black market.
The pattern in which the government intervened and made a mess and secretly benefited was a common misconception throughout human history.
What if Thomas Jefferson said "the best government is the least government".

3, the poor people who are now living in the Maduro regime
No matter how hard the economy is, the government has money.
Will the government try to get the most out of it at the lowest possible cost?
So I hire the poor.

There is a huge slum in every city in South America.
It is called favela in Brazil, but barrio in Spanish society.
Obviously, there is Bario in Venezuela.
The government seems to be halfway off the streets.

But because the security is bad, there is no economic activity.
Within Bario, Bario's economy is back. (Although there are many crimes)
In addition, because the price of the house is cheap, there is also wealth in Bario.
Most of the slums in South America are located in the hillside area (Daldongne) because land is formed at a low price.

Since the Chávez regime has extended its welfare policy to some extent (such as infrastructure construction)
The poor are generally friendly to Chavez.
However, it is a common phenomenon in any country, but the poor do not participate in politics in common.
So in Chávez, politics was basically a "middle class".

But now the poor have increased their jobs because of the Maduro regime.
It is mobilized as a daily worker, mainly used for lynching against opponents, and demonstrations against combat.
Of course, the military and the police do not take them.

They are political gangsters on motorcycles called "Colletibos".

Against the Coltibos, Maduro opponents also made a motorcycle rider.
What they can see is that they are opponents of Maduro because they carry yellow banners.
There is a libertard on the yellow flag, which is a slogan that the Maduro regime will never tolerate.
It seems to be the same as Maduro or MoonJein to loathe free.

The Maduro regime hires the poor,
Venezuela's territory is wide and the region where the Maduro regime can be sure of its dominance is virtually confined to the capital district.
The relationship between the army in the provinces and the Maduro regime has deteriorated, so it is not easy to suppress it strongly.

That is why we mobilize the poor.
For example, these women who are participating in the anti - American protests are not members of the Unified Socialist Party but are hired poor people.
(The placard is too bad.
For them, the Maduro regime is the employer who gives the job.

If you look at it here, you can try to figure out what kind of guys the Koreans can support until the end.
1. Honey sucking teeth
2. A civil servant who is afraid of losing a job if Moon Jae-in disappears
3. Mengchang poisoners

In South America, the existence of slums has long been accepted, and there is no consciousness that the slums should be eliminated.
Even if the regime changes, the problem of the poor will still remain.
But in Korea, I think there is still hope that if the regime changes, it will be a better spoonful.

1. The economy is bad, so the black market can be formed
2. The public is fearful of losing their jobs and loyal
3. The economy is getting worse, so the poverty level can increase and it can be mobilized at a cheap price
4. The middle-class cubs are opposed to the regime.

The left regime knows that it is better for them to ruin the economy.

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