Venezuela differently from Araboja


Venezuela is said to have fallen in favor of falling oil prices during free welfare. It is not wrong. However, I do not know why it is noisy now. 

1. In Venezuela, oil is an extraordinary oil. 

2. Refining ordinary oil will produce gasoline and diesel oil. Venezuela oil is bunker C oil and asphalt, and sulfur-rich, hard-boiled oil. 

3. As you can see, pipelines must be blended with clear oil to avoid oil sticking to them, and it is more expensive than other countries to produce good oil because sulfur must be eliminated.

4. Venezuela oil costs about US $ 70, which is about $ 100, but the price was high in the days of high oil prices, but in the US, the price of shale oil of 30 US dollars was pouring out. 

5. The largest importer of Venezuelan oil was the United States. In the past, when oil was precious, it made a lot of sense to America. 

6. The problem is that since the shale oil started pouring from the US in 2016, the US did not import oil to Venesunella. Venezuela, on the other hand, is a country that imports oil from the United States because of the need to flood the oil with clean oil. 

7. Chavez enjoys good times with his free welfare, dismisses him, and Maduro becomes his successor. 

8. Maduro was a union official who was a bastard of the Minguno when his father hit us. 

9. The price of oil does not come down, but money does not come in. The free welfare can not be stopped, and when the economy starts to break down, the people start to turn around except for some talks. 

10. As a result, the opposition won 70% of the seats in the general election in 2015, and the ruling party can not do anything. 

11. Maduro set up a constitutional assembly to break the new era 

12. The Constituent Assembly is a representative of the people according to Maduro's expression. The union, the minority, the student, the disabled, and 500 representatives from each field were selected to form a parliament. 

13. However, only the people who have been approved by the Maduro government are allowed to run for the constitutional assembly. Of course Maduro's wife and son also become lawmakers. 

14. When a constitutional assembly was created, the constitutional assembly declared them to be the supreme authority. No matter what the parliament has dominated by the opposition, the constitutional assembly will do whatever it wants. 

15. By forming a constitutional assembly and conducting local elections, the opposition boycotts local elections. Boycott results show that 20% of the people do not vote, 3.6 million people have participated in the voting, and the result is that more than 8 million people voted. The company representative, who was in charge of the election system management, was exposed to foreign countries and manipulated the votes. 

16. The 2018 presidential election begins. 

17. Maduro announces that only political parties that have nominated candidates for local elections can nominate candidates for the presidential election. Since the opposition boycotted the local elections, the opposition party could not make a presidential candidate, and we would vote for the presidential candidates. 

18. Maduo succeeds in re-election because there is no competitor. 

19. Congress declares the presidential election to be null and declare the president and the president as interim president. In this way, there will be two presidents in one country. 

20. Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba, Iran and Turkey support the Maduro, while the United States, Germany, England, France, Spain and Japan support the Islands. 

21. Korea stays in neutral territory and Bertida joins the support of the island at the latest by the end of February. 

22. Maduro blocked access to all foreign Internet media such as Google, YouTube and Facebook on January 23, 

23. From January 23 to February 1, opinion polls have been banned since February when survey results show that the majority of voters continue to drop their votes to 15 percent, 5 percent and 4 percent. 

24. Maduro is not going to stay for months 

25. In November 2017, articles spoofing Goldman Sachs fooled me. 

26. It was because Venezuela's 2022 bond, which is thought to be bankrupt, would have been sold for $ 8.6 billion. 

27. If Maduro is backed out and the Diocese is in power and Venezuela is alive, that bond can be repaid in 2022 as originally planned. Goldman Sachs is an invite. 

One line summary. There is no money maker. 

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