The first alchemist, his record

Hey, gay people? Today, I'll check out the bibles of the alchemists I talked about last time, and the one who was called the first alchemist who Newton chased.


Europe has passed through the Renaissance era and has been able to read a lot of forgotten knowledge that could not be seen in the Middle Ages. 

Especially, there were many attempts to restore and translate the documents of the Hellenistic period and the documents of the East which were forbidden in the Middle Ages.

Of course, the compiled documents were only secretly shared between the upper class and the intellectuals.

In the early 17th century, as masons became popular, it was becoming fashionable for you to make a secret society.

Each purpose was different, but if you see what they do or share information, the hardest people join the Lodge 

In addition, they formed a secret society by themselves, and in the 17th century it was a time when there were a lot of secret associations.


One of them is the Rose Cross, which was created in the 17th century. They put the story of their organization like a legend.

It is said that Christian Rosen Creations is the group that made the Arabs learn alchemy and magic from the East.

It is a group that was anti-Catholic and also subject to Catholicism because it insisted on the Reformation.

And after the 18th century, it will be incorporated into the golden dawn which was famous at the time.

Anyway, there is a man named Dr. Boxtrom who was a member of the Rose Cross in the 18th century. 

Dr. Lee finds a papyrus record that an ancient magician saw a mysterious tablet called the emerald tablet at the Egyptian court.  

I called that tablet an emerald tablet.

According to the records, it was said to be an emerald as the name suggests, the letters on the plate were not engraved but embossed, 

At that time, it seemed that more than 2,000 years had already passed since it was built.  

Dr. Boxtrom estimated that the emeralds in the records were in a liquid state like molten glass once.

If this is the case, it is said that the emulsion of liquidity is cast into the frame and then processed to have the same hardness as the natural emerald, 

This is impossible with current technology.

Dr. Boxtrom did not believe in the papyrus records he discovered, despite being a member of the Rosary Crucifix studying magic and mysticism.

But the papyrus record of the ancient magician discovered at this time is an opportunity to spread the enlightenment called alchemy to Western intellectuals.


In fact, he is not the first to discover this ancient papyrus record of an emerald plate. 

In the Renaissance period before the 17th century, Marcillo Pichino, an Italian intellectual, 

An ancient magician discovered by Dr. Boxtrom. He collected all his records and named it "Corfus Hermeticum" 

I've translated it into Latin.

Marcillo Pichino is also sponsored by the Italian Medici family to build the Plato Academy,

He was a central figure in Florence who even translated Plato's work into Latin.

At that time, however, he was interested in astronomy, also known as magic,

I got a double trial.


Anyway, this emerald tablet is mentioned in the papyri records translated by Marcillo Pichino, 

He calls it the work of Hermes Trismegistus, the sage of ancient Egypt.  


His name means "the third great Hermes," meaning the very great Hermes, or the underground heaven above, the third ruler.  

Marcio Pizzino believed that Hermes Trismegistus was the author of the Hermes titles, as well as the emerald tablets, 

Of course, it is not clear that he wrote all those books.  

Unfortunately, Hermes says that when Muslims destroyed Alexandria's library, they were mostly lost with hundreds of thousands of other books.

Hermes Trismegistus is said to be the founder of Western mysticism and alchemy, 

Though everything about him is legendary and mysterious, mystic scholars, wizards, and alchemists of the day seem to have accepted him as a real person.

The famous Isaac Newton also tried to find the trace of Hermes Trismegistus all his life.


Hermes is familiar with gays who have seen Greek mythology in cartoons?

Born in Maia, the beautiful first daughter of Zeus and Atlas, Hermes is the god of science and the god of art, 

Hermes was a messenger of Zeus with fast maneuvers, and there was no place he could not go, including the underworld dominated by Hades.  

Hermes was the guide of the soul who healed the soul of man and led the soul of the dead to the afterlife, and the god of the library and the master of the secret.

Hermes is a god worshiped by many mystics and wizards still.


Hermes, also known as Mercury in Roman mythology, is the god Thoth of Bondi Egyptian wisdom.  

In Egyptian documents and murals, the tote is depicted as a toki head god, 

Like the Hermes, the tote is the god of science, the god of scripture, and the god of scribes.

As the Egyptian and Greek myths, and Roman myths, the mysticists believed that the present civilization of mankind was derived from the tote-Hermes Trismegistus, the wisdom-bearer and transporter of civilization.  

I believe that Hellenism and Hebraism, the two pillars of Western civilization, have their roots in Egypt.


The Hellenistic era began with the conquest of Alexander the Great's territory.  

The Greeks embraced Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Persian artifacts to create the natural philosophy of science and philosophy, 

Because of this, when we talk about the history of western science, we usually start from the Greek philosophy of nature.

This Hellenism is handed down to the Roman Empire in Europe.  


Just as there is a saying "Light is from the Orient" 

The rich cultural heritage of the Roman Empire was on the eastern Mediterranean coast, including Egypt, Syria and Asia Minor. 

Western Europe has mainly served as a source of raw materials and agricultural products.  

Also, because the Persians were much more powerful military than the Germans at the time, Rome placed their elite troops eastward and moved the capital to Constantinople in the east.  

In the end, after the Roman Empire split in two in 395, the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine) maintained its name for more than a thousand years, while the Imperial Empire was destroyed by the Germans who had been driven out by the Hun for a hundred years.  

Western Europe, divided into Donggoth and small Germanic kingdoms like Frank, Sogotto, Bourgeois, and Lombard, was greatly underestimated by commerce and industry, dominated by military nobles who could not read and write.  

Western Europe, where education and culture have stagnated, has repeatedly degenerated over four to five hundred years.

On the other hand, the Arabs who occupied Persia, Syria, Egypt, and North Africa on the eve of the decline of the Roman Empire absorbed and preserved the science and knowledge of Greece and Egypt.  

So some parts of Europe say that Europe has re-opened since the Arab invasion.  

For this reason, from the 8th century to the 15th century, about 800 years, such as the Spanish-dominated region,

The Crusades, which were carried out in the 11th and 12th centuries, served as a catalyst for the wider introduction of Arabic artifacts, 

The Arab civilization of that time was far beyond Europe.

Arabs have absorbed the knowledge and skills of ancient European societies, which Europeans themselves have defined and forbidden by Satan and heresy, and developed their own culture.  

Numerous ancient documents have been translated into Arabic, including works by famous Greek scholars such as Aristotle, Plato, Ptolemy, Archimedes, and Hippocrates.

And according to Arab mystic scholars, many Greek natural philosophers, including Pythagoras and Plato, were inspired by Egyptian scholarship, 

They argued that the visionaries who received the Egyptian vision had gone through the vision.  

After all, in their argument, the wisdom of Egypt was transmitted to Europe through Greece and the Arabs. 


Those who opened natural philosophy, science, astronomy, mysticism, alchemy and enlightenment to the present human beings become Egyptians.

Of course, it is Hermes Tris Megistus who was an Egyptian.

Thanks to this ancient wizard, the kingdom of Egypt was recognized as a sanctuary where ancient mysteries fell asleep to wizards, mysticists, and alchemists.


In the novel Alchemist of Paolo Coelho, the main character Santiago is going to look for treasures is the pyramid of Egypt

It's not just a virtual setting.

Indeed, many of the mysticists in Europe used to go to Egypt for an ancient vision.


It is still unclear how his emerald tablet was first discovered.  

Nonetheless, the emerald tablet became a bible for alchemists who were active from the 17th to the 19th century.  

Unfortunately, the original emerald tablet is not available at present, 

The emerald tablet, which was passed on to the western world, is the original Phoenician script in Greek, 

I have also translated this into Arabic again in Latin.  

We are looking at the document again through English and Hangul, so we went through five steps.

Through these various stages of translation, we have encountered various versions of the emerald tablets, or revisions.  

Next, I moved the Tabla de Opera Tone Solis, which is considered to have had the greatest impact on European and modern alchemy, to Korean.


1. This is a sure and most true story without falsehood.

2. The bottom is like the one above, the top is like the one below. 

This is to achieve the miracle of 'being one'.  

Everything is a reflection of this 'one', and everything is made by the change and application of this 'one'.

3. His father is the sun and his mother is the moon. The wind carried him to his womb, and the earth gave him food.

4. It is the parent for all accomplishments of the universe. If it goes down to the ground, its power will be perfect. Highly skilled workmanship in the fire from the soil, 

Separate the graceful thing repeatedly from the crude one.  

It rises from the soil to the sky and falls back to the soil. Thus, he has both upper and lower forces inside his own.

5. In this way you will have the glory of the whole world, and all darkness will go away. This is the greatest power of all, because it conquers all the sophistication, and also penetrates every solid thing.

6. The world was thus created. This will result in amazing adaptations, and that's how it is.

7. Therefore, I am called 'Hermes Trismegistus'. It means that I have three parts of the wisdom of the world.

8. I have now made a comment on the work of the sun.

As you can see, emerald tablets represent multiple meanings and were not easy to interpret. 

But most natural philosophers and alchemists, including Newton, thought the above article described a chemical process.  

Because I thought it was the task of making gold, the 'work of the sun' that appears in the title of 'The Work of the Sun' or 'Tabla de Opera Tone Solis' in the last section.  

It was the sun that symbolized gold in alchemy. 


It is a symbol often used in alchemy, believing that the green lion represents mercury and the sun represents gold. 

Therefore, the work of the sun is the technique of making gold, that is, alchemy.



But most of the natural philosophers and scientists of the 17th and 18th centuries seemed to be the ones who only accepted this with a simple chemistry.

Alchemy was not really aimed at making metal gold. 

The purpose of alchemy was in human enlightenment. Changing lead to gold was just a metaphor. 

Alchemists have been experimenting for thousands of years, but most have not changed their lead from gold to gold. 

'I changed the lead to gold' because I literally accepted it. 

The real meaning of alchemy is not to turn lead into gold, 

It implies sublimation of 'human being', who remains at a low level of ignorance, into 'noble' (spiritual or intellectual), 'human or god' in many ways like gold. 

In alchemy's old adage, there is a phrase that "man is God". 

It is a phrase that means to bring out the potential hidden in human beings, transforming them into divine beings, like changing lead to gold. 


The real purpose of alchemy, from Egypt to Greece through the Arabs to Europe, was in human enlightenment.

Hermes Tris Megistos left the writing "Do not you know the truth?" Like the phrase.


3-line summary

1. Ancient Egyptian magician Hermes Trismegistus recorded in his book that he saw an emerald tablet in Egyptian court.

2. The text of the emerald tablets flows from Egypt through Greece and Arabia into the West and becomes the biblical alchemist.

3. Alchemy is the Enlightenment, a metaphor that makes a metaphor of making lead gold.

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