The only war feat named in the history of automobile company name. TOYOTA

Goodbye gay

The war between Libya and Chad in Africa from November 1986 to December 1987 is called the Toyota War

The name of the automobile company is the only war in history that was the official war title

Huh? No, I do not think there is a gay guy who thinks Toyota, a Japanese automobile company,

The reason why it was called the "Toyota War" is that the decisive military equipment of Chad that won this war was Toyota's Hi-Lux truck (pickup)


Toyota trucks are still well known today for IS, a terrorist organization in the Middle East,

In 1986, the Libyan army began to support Chad's "National Integration Transitional Government GUNT" 

With about 90,000 troops, about 300 tanks, armored vehicles and about 60 aircraft, they invaded northern Chad

With some initial military successes, the Libyan military command will fall into pride and eventually fall into Chad's offensive

Outer zone of Chad-Libya border was targeted

Chad had about 20,000 troops trained in a long civil war, but with zero armored power and zero aviation power 

It was a battle with the AK rifles and Alabong, but it was said that the fraud to protect the country from Libya was very high 

In addition, Chad was leading the way in one of the most important foreign support in the war between the three world nations.

France and the West were, of course, supporting Chad's Isen Abre, not Libyan dictator Gaddafi

France supported Chad with about 400 Toyota trucks , anti-aircraft guns, and anti-tank missiles

The US, which opposed Libya's Gaddafi regime, invited Isen Abrechad to the United States and offered a stinger portable anti-aircraft missile



The Chadian army, which was armed with Toyota trucks and French anti-tank missiles MILAN, while the Libyan fighters could not even take off with the air support of the French Air Force

They destroyed the Libyan armored armored power into their operational area (more than 800 tanks / armored vehicles / combat vehicles) 

Recover the northern part of Chad while Libyan occupation

French MILAN anti-tank missile

Mi-24 combat helicopter of Libyan army captured by Chad

Chad troops attacked an air base built by the Libyan army in occupied territory, raising a criminal record of seizing or destroying 32 Libyan air forces, including MIG 21 and Sukhoi 22 

In the end, Chadafi of Libya, who had been in an unstable situation in the country due to the defeat in Chad, continued to withdraw from Chad north of Chad 

Gaddafi calls Chad's Isen Abre the "gift of Africa"


Chad, who won the war, was defeated by a coup in 1990 and exiled to Senegal.

As with all other African-American dictatorships in Africa, Avr also suffered corruption and the escape of immense property abroad, torturing, killing (about 40,000) opponents, etc.

Eventually he was detained in Senegal, his asylum, in 2013, and is currently under trial   


Hyundai / Kia's Porter, who can load more heavy equipment than Hyundai's Toyota trucks before modern times

Will there be a war that will be called the current train or the Porter (Bongo) in the wars to take place in the Middle East or Africa? 

thanks for reading!

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