Why Georgia Becomes Georgia

Cheong Wa Dae, who uploads a picture of Taiwan and promotes it as Cambodia.

It is not Georgia.
It is a small country that lies between Russia and Turkey.

Georgia's old name was Georgia.
Stalin is from Georgia.

To explain Georgian Georgian interior, we must first go back to Woodru Wilson, the president of the Republic of Korea.
Koreans like Wilson because he advocated national self - determination.
In other words, the people should live with each other and not be occupied by other people.

Because Korea is a single nation, Wilson 's national self - determination has become an important ideological frame of effort to escape the domination of Japan.
However, when Wilson introduced national self-determination, it was not what Koreans had in mind.
Because it was intended to weaken the dominance of the Turkic empire or Soviet, which was a tough one for the United States, and to create a buffer zone.
However, Wilson 's national self - determination could be applied to the colonies of American and American friends at that time.
In the end, Wilson's national self-determination did not see the light in his life.
When Hitler appeared, it seemed that Wilson's ideals had collapsed because nation-clearing occurred rather than self-determination.

Then the years passed, and in 1991,
Eventually, the Soviet Union and the East European communist power collapsed.

The Treaty of Warsaw, in which the Soviet Union ruled Eastern Europe, became obsolete.
Then the satellites created by the Soviet Union using force to control Eastern Europe began to divide gradually.
Yugoslavia was one of them.
Josif Broztito, who had been in an independent struggle against Nazi Germany in the area where many nations were originally living, maintained his leadership and maintained Yugoslavia.
Tito was highly respected in Yugoslavia for refusing to act as a puppet in the Soviet Union and pursuing his pursuit of diplomacy.
However, when Tito left the world, the focus on the capture of all the ethnic groups of Yugoslavia disappeared.

After a long period of civil war, Yugoslavia was eventually divided into Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, and former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia (Greece was opposed to Macedonia).
Volleyball player mercenaries playing in Korea are mostly from this region.

But the problem remained.
It was Kosovo in the territory of Serbia.

Unlike the Serbs, most of the Kosovo were Albanians.

Kosovo wanted to be included in Albania, not Serbia.
But this was opposed by Serbia jumping.
Moreover, under international law Kosovo's Albania merger was forbidden.
Because of the principle of Uti Possidetis. It is a principle that the two countries should keep their existing borders unless they agree on territory. 
In other words, if the territory of Albania is enlarged due to the merger of Kosovo region, it would be unfair for Serbia.

The reason for the importance of the UTIPOSTIDTIS principle is that it was the logic that Hitler took possession of metallurgical metallurgy in Eastern Europe because it was the logic that "there should be a merger with Germany because there are a lot of Germans in that region".
When Hitler joined the Czechoslovakia's Judetenland with a lot of German, representatives of Britain, France and Italy met with Hitler in Munich. At this time, the British prime minister was Chamberlain, and this picture, which means "a foolish belief in a dictator's guerrilla," was taken right after he returned from the Munich conference. There are Obama and Kim Dae Jung versions in that picture.

Anyway, the resistance of the Kosovo people to the Serbian government has gone up, but Serbia has ignored it.
Then what would Kosovo do? Since 1999, he has acted against terrorism against Serbia.
The tight Serbian government launched a major sweep of operations in Kosovo.
But who was the President of Serbia at the time?
It was Slobodan Milosevic , nicknamed the butcher of the Balkans  .

Milosevic, who advocated Serb nationalism, racially cleansed in Kosovo.
There has already been a growing public opinion that the most powerful nation in the world is no longer justified because of the racial wars in the Yugoslavia and the Bosnian Civil War
The president of the United States at that time was Bill Clinton.
After Reagan's attempt to defend the capitalist market economy and democracy with American power, American diplomacy is transformed into New Wilsonism, which protects human rights and freedom .

And, as shown in this photo, Clinton immediately grasped his fists and immediately dispatched NATO troops to Kosovo.
To stop the massacre.

But Clinton was not very conspicuous.
The mission to Kosovo was a decision of the United States Armed Forces, which did not get the consent of the UN permanent members.
The dissatisfaction of the NATO member countries which had to send together in the war that the United States raised was also high.
But most of all, Russia's anger was the biggest.
At the time, Boris Yeltsin was the president, but he sent a formal sentence to Serbia, but the US ignored Yeltsin.
In 1999, when both Russia and China had little power, when US influence peaked, and the invasion of Kosovo showed America's confidence.


Less than three months after the war began, Serbia accepted the peace offer proposed by Clinton.
And when Serbia withdrew from Kosovo, Kosovo set up a country called Kosovo instead of a merger with Albania.
The silhouette is like a skate.

This seemed to be the end of the Kosovo situation.
However, Russia, which has been hurt by pride through the Kosovo situation, has not forgotten about this wound.
In the end, a new leader, Vladimir Putin, emerges.

Putin's foreign policy has remained essentially unchanged since the early days of his administration.
If the US responds, it will step down, but if the United States does not move out , it will unleash a strong diplomacy .
And Putin is well aware of the United States, and he knows just when the United States is not coming.
In 2008, when the Bush administration changed to the Obama administration, Putin took action.
Some of the Georgian territory was "merged" because "the Russian people want it." (Pink areas)

Putin abused Wilsonism to abuse the territory of another country.
Americans who remember this fact warned about how dangerous Putin was, and argued that America's enemies would eventually be Russia.
Recently resigned Defense Secretary James Mathis was one of the most vigilant of Putin.
Mathis also advised Trump that Russia should be careful when retreating.

The Putin-style strategy, which uses ethnic self-determination to unleash diplomacy on the agenda, has again taken over the Crimea in Ukraine in 2014, stimulating America.
But at that time, President Obama did not get into Crimea.

Let's think about Obama's dislike.
To them, Russia was a messed-up country where Clinton could not even cheat.
Obama, however, was drawn to Putin every time.
Actually, Obama is not a weak leader because he sent Gadhafi to his side.
Still, Obama's inability to be an in-house person is often compared to Putin

On the other hand, in Georgia, where the antipathy towards Russia has reached its peak in 2008, all the notations of the country are changed from Russian to English.
And from then on the official name changed from Georgia to Georgia.
It is an effort to move away from Russia culturally if Russia can not be defeated by military power.

Three lines summary
1. During the Kosovo civil war, Clinton dismissed Russia as a member of the New Wilson War.
2. Putin uses Wilsonism and takes away the territories of neighboring countries
3. Georgia, which was deprived of territory by Putin, officially changed its name from Russian to English.

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