Know-how of Japanese pick-up artist Part 2

Japan Pickup Artist Part 2. Today, we introduce the teachings of 'Motez', which teaches wrecking to the general public.
Mote is not a motha solo, but is popular among women, and is taken from the Japanese verb moeru.
It was Adda until 23 years old, and it was said that it became master of the shipwreck through experience that it failed many times.
I did not do anything for a month trying to test how well she was able to test her girlfriend, and she had sex only after a number, and she had sex with 60 people a month.
However, since I have had sex, I have no interest in one night, and now I am looking for a woman who can make a long life.

It is much more realistic for gay people to remember that Motegi's teachings are difficult to follow, because Irie is an entertainer.

What is the most important condition for you to sue first and then to sox with her?
money? look? Ada cubs contain fantasies about what they do not have. If you look at a foreign car or a good-looking person, it's called a bomber,

Really important is the ability to communicate.
If you try to capture a woman with money, but the aim of the woman is to sox, it will be cheaper to buy it.
Although appearance is subjective, it is limited in how good it is for gay people to think that they are good at the information society which is nowadays in which the good appearance is often seen through TV or the Internet, and the foreign handsome is overflowing. (Of course not all the looks are not important, but to give a clean impression)

In the end, the characteristics of men who easily get acquainted with women and eat well with women are their ability to communicate.
But when you talk, men make a crucial mistake.
For good conversation, logic is supposed to be straight.

A man is a creature that precedes logical thinking. If you do not like it, you can logically agree.
But women should not forget that it is not a logic but an emotionally moving creature.

A person who is a pupil of Motejo said that when he always struggles with a woman before Motejosa points out,
Are you free now? Would you like a cup of tea if you have time? This is said.
A-> B & B-> C = A-> C This is a logical thought because a man will have time if he is free and then he will have time to drink tea.
However, the conversation based on logical thinking like "A, B" never works for women.

If you laugh, half is successful.
It is a success if you laugh once in 5 ~ 10 seconds when a woman talks to a woman and ears.

More specifically,
There are three kinds of conversations that attract women's attention.

First, let's talk about it in the cafe because it interests you.

Second, if you are capable of making fun of a person,

Third, when a woman goes out, she finds a nervous part and praises it.

Motejo says he usually uses this technique.
"I have the most beautiful people in the world, so if you do not speak, your life will be over. Excuse me now."
Since the once-consumed ambassador is also eaten by other women, it is better to study some patterns in advance in the words to women.

On the other hand,

First, a self-introduction type.
A man's name, a job, or a man should give such background information to his opponent, but he is not curious.
A woman moves by emotion, not logic, but if her name is not Roh Moo-hyun, where would she be?
Moreover, if the woman is seen to be a genius, and is perceived to be a twister, it is over.

The second type of failure, pouring off the question to the woman
Maybe most of the gay lovers who fail at university are making mistakes.
A woman is a creature that does not have any problem even after knowing where the man who picked up his pussy lives after sox.

Emphasize again. Women are weak in logic.
Avoid openings. All questions asked to the woman should be answered yes / no.

Third, a man who is too close to a woman
The only thing that goes on should be words. 
The fact that a woman is at such a distance that she can see at a glance the outline of her appearance is more likely to be answered with confidence by a woman.
Speaking at a distance too close is a failure pattern.

The woman is simple, and eventually she separates everything without being able to rest assured.
It is the same as the way to deal with trivia.
The cat has a distance that it is safe for you. As people approach more than that street, they run away.
Of the people I have seen, the one who keeps the streets well is. If you have a chance to see a movie in addition to the movie once, please see how you treat people around you. When talking, it was impressive to talk back behind the footsteps.
On the other hand, the guy who keeps the distance is also a dick bike. Although she may be trying to show her intimacy, her cubs are approaching the other side of the other side and talking, but she really thinks that the girls are running away. 

And another thing to note:
Think about it before you asked for a contact.
Failing to ask a number for a girl who does not laugh is scheduled for failure.
Do not ask for a number, even if the woman is not laughing.
Even when Irie won the number one, it was the smiling women who looked at it and found it. "No, thank you." These girls never gave me a number.

Motejo's disciples, who used to say that they were naughty, said that they had asked for the number too quickly.

It is not so hard to pick a number or go to a café unless you have a special situation for a woman if you follow the above mentioned points.
In addition, it is important to talk to a woman first, because experience is important, and if you do it several times, anyone can do it well.
Ada says that even after talking, I do not know what to do next.

Two barriers to a woman
- It is difficult to speak (lack of courage).
- I do not know what to do when I take a girl with me -> I have a high probability of suffering from no progress)

The reason for this dilemma is that if a man leads a woman to a date, he / she thinks that he / she should impress the other person on the date.
Again, a man is overly prone to logic. 'The woman has responded to the date, you have to be impressed with the event, so you can spend your money in vain'.
But that kind of thinking is the way of thinking of a salesman,
The woman is not moved in proportion to the cost of dating.

"(I spend a lot of money) Even if I am happy, it ends with" I was happy "."
* Motejodo himself said that he does not have much money. So, in Roppongi, I admit that it is difficult to attract women. Once there, it is hard to get a conversation if you are pushed from a brand or a watch. Also, it does not cost a lot of money to attract certain jobs like racing girls.

To date, dating is just a formality and only a process of getting to know a girl.
It means that a woman should be able to rest assured of her existence. It is not a sound to get her information.
I can not do sox right after I talked. (If you are familiar with skipping steps and if sox is your goal, just give them money)

The biggest mistake people make is to make women recognize that the purpose of dating is being hosted.
On the other hand, Ko, the woman recognizes that the purpose of dating is sympathy.
The most important thing to buy a woman 's relief is a man who can be a life counselor.
A man who thinks everything is logical should be a woman's mentor when it comes to life counseling? I think.
But a woman is a man who is a matchmaker of life counseling.

In a conversation with a woman, she says it is a top priority to talk about her recent afflictions and worries.

"I have to make her pamper me"

Simply put, Ada starts with "What do you want to eat?" And Adachi says, "Is anything hard these days?" Good to ask,
If it is judged that it is good to keep the complaints, the woman is more excited about her.
In a situation where a woman speaks more than a man, the probability of going to sox is almost certain.
A woman is well looked after by an opponent who can be relieved.

Kimchi sees the man's wealth, but it's only when he gets married.
The important thing for promiscuous Kimchi years is that this man is someone I can rest assured. If it is confirmed only, it does not have resistance to the work.
Korean women do not look at the old longevity, but it is open to them well, but there are many reasons for this, but the old loners basically do not tell the Korean women.
If you see an unoccupied person like Kimchi Year who is dissatisfied with Korean men who do not like to listen to his words, he respects him.

This difference between men and women can be equally applied to the skinship.
When a man looks at a woman's body, her sexuality comes out, but a woman's libido comes to an opponent who can be relieved. 
So, Adahs are like a fool to get rid of a woman's alertness, but the adherents touch the woman's mind first. 
When you become a relieved opponent, you will be able to see it.

"There are a lot more women who do not like skinship."

"It's better to concentrate on the conversation that leads to your anxieties when you try to do your skinship."

When I met a few times and became friends with a woman,
Of course the man is expecting sox.
However, it is a part of the woman's eyes. I do not think that this guy is going to date and be satisfied with his food.
So, in order to go from a date dating relationship to a better man, you have to be courageous.
That is the skinship. (Skinship is not trying to get close to you, but when you are sox,

"I do skinship only when I do confirmation before doing sox"

Motejo said that when she was close to her when she was talking to a woman, she noticed that she was still there.
If the woman seems to be flinching or flinching back,

In the end, it is a way to reassure a woman through conversation, to narrow down the distance, to withdraw if it is burdensome to narrow down, and to repeat the confirmation process.
Indeed, there is no royal road on the way to Poe ...
You bastard like a bomber like a bomber? 

No matter how inexpensive a man is, the risk of a skinship before success in sox is always high. (sox is said to be different again)

But I want to grab a woman's hand in the end, and I want to have a man psychology?
What should I do if I do not like women trying to skinship?
Be prepared to make excuses in that situation.
Especially, the more excuses, the better.
Motejo pretends to be "untidy" and does nothing. This is really important.
Because women will be afraid of a man if he reacts uncomfortably or unpleasantly to his actions no matter how favorable he is.
Once you are afraid of a man like that, you should give up.
Keep in mind that if you do not feel safe, it will close tightly even if you do not see herbal pills.

"If you show a sense of embarrassment when you are rejected by a woman, you will not be able to do it in the future."

Oh, and it's really important.
You do not have sex at all, you do not have such a crazy idea.
It can be a real problem later on.
In this case, you need a joke.
I will introduce it in Part 3, but there is nothing like a joking joke in breaking a woman's vigilance. Because women are not creatures that think in logic.
"Soudes ... Yes, I can not even believe that you are so attractive."

A silly joke is a bit of a fuss.
"What do you eat so cute?"
To be honest, I would like to have a loincloth if the in-house cubs are talking about such an ambush. But this is what it is for those who see it. 

It is a reality that women do not hate men if they are hungry.
So if you can not die even if you do not die, give up and read my information.
Let me study the future of Saudi Arabia and Russia with me.

It seems that it is getting friendly with a woman and depends on oneself.
The girl whom the woman relieves is divided into the friend folder and the male (sefa) folder.
In other words, if a woman does not want to give her a pussy, she means she is still in her friend's folder.

People in the Friends folder Features:
1. There are many 'good people'.

2. It is good to laugh without a thread. (I do not think I can just get a grudging comment)

In other words, it can not be regarded as a strong male, though it can be relieved.
The quicker way to fix this is ...

"I do not have the seriousness and the power of the party."

When I opened my eyes, I asked if it was adverse effect, but Motejo said cut it.
"It is better to keep your eyes open."
Motejow wearing sunglasses also does not want to have a hard look on his eyes.
When you talk to a woman, you are said to be open-eyed.

Ada, you got it?
You should try to do something like Park sword. You're not gonna get any seeds anymore. Now, follow Bryce Harper.

Some people in Korea say it is hard to laugh because their faces are rotten.
I admit it. Like kimchi years, dirty years can not be found in other countries.
But if you can cover it with a raging comment, you'll be a sticker.
If the ingredients are bad, the traditional market ladies put on the spicy spicy sauce. However, there are people who eat it again if you make it spicy.
Cover the high-end ingredients of Kimchi-year with capsaicin, which is a pissing comment.

When a woman looks bored, she says, "Do not make such a bored face ~ lol".
If a woman thinks she has caught herself, she will listen even if she is sorry.
And then the housekeeping maidens say, "Mother, do not you believe me now?" I do not want to use such a psychology.

Now, I will sort it out.

First, women are not logic, but animals that move with emotion.
Second, women should be able to be relieved first. To do that, you should often write jokes and chatter.

And the third is ...
"If you can not, give up quickly."

Part 3 will be about the content of Japanese hosts being educated

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